Menna Battle, Gentle Warrior
Tribute by Lindsay Whittle
A dark January day – Plaid Cymru members, family, friends and neighbours lined the streets to pay their last respects to Menna Battle, a stalwart of Caerffili for decades.
Originally from the village of Glynneath a village she retained contact with all her life.
Menna eventually settled in Caerffili. A proud and passionate nationalist she threw herself into the cause. She was Secretary of Penyrheol branch and served as Constituency secretary for 17 years.
She was elected to Penyrheol Community Council and served her community unstintingly. When she decided to “retire” she moved to Abertridwr where of course she became branch secretary and yes, elected on to Aber Valley Community Council. Her partner of 30 years John (bach) Roberts is the County Councillor.
To say she was involved in her community would be an understatement. Book clubs, Aber Valley Arts, Undercurrents and the festival all benefitted from her tireless work.
She valiantly fought Parkinsons disease for the last few years of her life and a tumour on the brain was sadly to see Menna lose her fight, and we and Wales lost a heroine.
I shall forever be in her debt for her encouragement throughout my political life. Wales is in her debt.
To John bach and of course her son Gareth and daughter Ceri and grandchildren we in Wales owe you. Thank you for lending us this kind and gentle warrior to our cause. Menna you will live in our hearts forever.
Lindsay Whittle